Learning does not end when you graduate!
I read and listen to about 25 books each year and if I had time I would read even more. Each book has a purpose, whether it is learning about other company's successes and failures or learning how to better coach a subset of our organization.
I try to take at least one or two learnings from each book and quickly put them into action. Below are some recommendations of books I have found helpful.
For brief reviews of my recent reads, click here
Leadership CAN be learned and is a journey that never ends for any of us
Improve Your Leadership Skills
Liz Wiseman
Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzer
How to Win Friends & Influence People​
Dale Carnegie
Dare to Lead
Brene Brown
Improving the culture of your organization requires strategic planning - some great ideas in these books
Create a Progressive Culture
Lean In
Sheryl Sandberg
Crucial Conversations
Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzer
Susan Cain
Daniel H. Pink
The Culture
Daniel Coyle
If you want to make big waves, you need to connect and sell your ideas to others, these books can help!
We are All Salespeople
​Building a StoryBrand
Donald Miller
Hyper Sales Growth​
Jack Daly
To Sell is
Daniel H. Pink
Sales Management.​
Mike Weinberg
Never Eat
Keith Ferrazzi
Learning is good, converting to a consistent habit is so much better - great tips in here to help maintain growth
Sustain Better Habits
Atomic Habits​
James Clear
High Performance Habits
Brendon Burchard
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey
The Power
of Habit​
Charles Duhigg
Faster Better​
Charles Duhigg
Some great concepts to help jump the creative juices and do so at warp speed to beat your competitors
Innovation, Speed, Creativity
Jeff Sutherland
Inside the Box​
Drew Boyd &
Jacob Goldenberg
The Lean Startup
Eric Ries
Adam Grant
Outside In
Harley Manning &
Kerry Bodine
Specific topics, depending on your situation, but all valuable lessons with pragmatic advice
Practical Leadership Skills
The First
90 Days
Michael Watkins
Millennials &​
Lee Caraher
The Carrot
Adrian Gostick &
Chester Elton
What Matters
John Doerr
The Toyota
Jeffrey K. Liker
Books that significantly increased my respect and appreciation of the leaders included
Inspiring Leaders
American Icon​
Bryce G. Hoffman
The Snowball​
Warren Buffett &
the Business Life
Alice Schroeder
Sam Walton
Made in America
My Story​
Sam Walton with
John Huey
The Ride of
a Lifetime
Robert Iger
Shoe Dog
Phil Knight
Every leader here has done something spectacular to learn from.....sometimes it is good to know what not to do
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Super Pumped​
The Battle
for Uber
Mike Isaac
The House that
Jack Ma Built
Duncan Clark
Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
The Everything Store
Jeff Bezos & the
Age of Amazon
Brad Stone
Elon Musk
Ashlee Vance
These books can you help think through different aspects of the CEO or similar roles
Be a Better CEO
The CEO Tightrope
Joel Trammel
Great CEO's​
are Lazy
Jim Schleckser
Trillion Dollar Coach
The Outsiders​
William N.
The Motive
These authors take everyday situations and tackle them from unique angles that can change our thinking!
A Little Deeper Thinking
Thinking, Fast
and Slow
Daniel Kahneman
Daniel H. Pink
The Tipping
Malcolm Gladwell
12 Rules
for Life
Jordan B. Petterson
Algorithms to
Live By
Brian Christian &
Tom Griffiths
Never a More Important Time to Learn to Re-Think
My Synopsis:
My favorite Adam Grant book so far. The author does an excellent job highlighting the traps we fall into that cause us to gets stuck in ruts in how we think and approach problems. Surrounding ourselves with similar thinking people, becoming preachy or political and even being intelligent on specific topics are all common traps that limit our ability to reshape our thought process. Adam illustrates, as always, with relevant and entertaining stories and builds several pragmatic solutions to pull ourselves out of the rut. An excellent read from cover to cover.
My Leadership Take Aways:
Self Awareness is key. Pause and challenge yourself if you are being "all-knowing". Are you really listening to those around you?
Surround yourself with people that are brave enough to challenge you and create a culture where that is the norm
Building and practicing these skills will flow over to your workmates and possibly more importantly to your children (great tips in here on that!)
My Rating
Critical Leadership Messaging Skills
My Synopsis:
This book teaches some invaluable lessons in how to develop and deliver a message that will the have the desired impact on your audience. The authors (brothers) dissect the elements of multiple famous and lesser known messages that have had an outsized impact on their target recipients and explain in a step-by-step way how to build your own message. While the book became a little too "lecture" like at times, it was broken up with very interesting anecdotes and workshop explainers that were very helpful to translate to everyday leadership situations.
My Leadership Take Aways:
Beware of the "Curse of Knowledge", don't assume everyone is tracking with you.
Use Stories that are illustrative and memorable to get your point across
Start with an unexpected statement to catch people's attention. Tie this "hook" into the message you are portraying. Preparation and forethought are key.
My Rating
Must Read for Beauty Industry
My Synopsis:
The most valuable section was early in the book, when Mr. Lauder described how his mother began the company, her personal drive and passion. The description of the then, unique techniques she used to promote her products are still relevant in today's Beauty world. Mr. Lauder clearly had a huge contribution to the growth of the company, however I would have liked more detail on his decision process on acquisitions and how he kept the "sibling" brands collaborating together. There was also a lot of repetition of stories and concepts throughout the book that could have been avoided. All that said, if you work in the Beauty Industry, it is an essential read to help understand how brands have evolved over the years and the consistent approaches that drive value for consumers.
My Leadership Take Aways:
If you can't beat your competition straight up, come at the challenge from a new angle
Personalized hand-written letters from senior leaders go a long way in building loyalty
Acquiring leading edge brands when your organization becomes too "rigid" is a key way to stay relevant and on trend
My Rating
Eye Opening & Brutally Honest
My Synopsis:
Very well written with just the right level of details summarizing the formation & rise of FB. Balanced in his criticism of the negative societal impacts the platform has had (consistent with the "Social Dilemma" documentary on Netflix (also excellent). Provides a balanced assessment of Zuckerberg's leadership from the highlights of his singular vision and determination, to the lowlights of his handling of the various crises his company found itself embroiled in.
My Leadership Take Aways:
Spend time early in an organization's formation on creating and communicating values
Listen carefully to the conscience of your own organization....they are rarely very wrong
Iterate on ideas and projects ok with failure and fast corrections (like the book Scrum teaches you....FB lives this concept with "move fast and break things")
My Rating
Insightful & Pragmatic
My Synopsis:
Probably intended to help introverts navigate this increasingly extrovert-focused world that has evolved, I actually believe this book is at least as helpful for extroverted leaders. Tackles everything from our interactions, our relationships and how we should/could design work place settings and schedules. I was engrossed from start to finish and have already begun implementing some of the lessons learned in my personal and professional environments.
My Leadership Take Aways:
Diversity training on introversion & extroversion could be helpful to any organization
One size certainly does not fit all and forcing extroverted expectations on an introvert can be counter productive ("Everyone Wants to be Great"...came to mind a lot while reading!)
Flexibility is key. Allowing everyone, and particularly those in creative roles, to select the time and place they work best could be an effective way to get the most out of your team
My Rating